
Untitled no. 33

What do you take me for?Some silly lapdogthat you can just throw off at your will,but then misswhen it runs away?I will not come at your whistle.I am nobody’s bitch but my own!

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Waking Sunshine

The sun shines through
the clouds, radiance and smiling
pillows of soft music
caress her face and
carry her on their silver bedsheets
Emerging from her nap
she yawns and smiles,
a dull brilliance. … Read Full PoemWaking Sunshine

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Untitled (We Are All Made of Stars)

  He sees the universe expanding within her He tears at himself to find his own and she tells him that they are one in the same Two galaxies whirling swirling twirling about each other They reach out their starry arms and grasp the space within.

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The Boy is Mine, Bitch

  She sits alone there, in the back room waiting waiting for someone to tell her. Do I think that I would have such compassion if I didn’t know better? If I was alone and jealous and full of such anxiety would I still wish to kiss her forehead and tell her the raw truth? I keep my secret because it is yours to tell and I back away from that caged animal and slam the door shut. That terrible, bloody truth must be given to her sometime, but I let her starve and I leave her there there, in the back room waiting.

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Shiny Star

  Shiny star look back at me Do you not see how I cry? How is it you are so blue while the red is in my eye? All tomorrow’s things are done and Yesterday’s not yet to come. Forever, I can hear you sigh and I know now how I come.

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Rain Dance

  The rainbow emerges from the dark sky proud and delicate. A pounding thunderstorm beats the colors of the earth to an unmatchable vibrancy. After the rain the streets are washed clean and the soul is refreshed. That cathartic lightning brightens the night and illuminates my vision. In the morning light the overcast sky reflects in your eyes and your smile like a sunbeam finding its way directly to my heart.

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Love and Hate

  Love and hate, so inseparable connected and similar light and dark breath and death opposites, but together in the inevitable you love and stare and imagine the future with confidence. But, hate, so close so easily transferable sneaks in like a roach making its home in your emotional filth each little morsel of broken trust or unreasonable pain only feeds it’s millions of offspring hate, so close to love is really just one in the same. Because the true opposite of love is indifference Wouldn’t you rather be hated than not considered at all?

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Full Tank of Gas

Forever is always borrowed and all things change and pass and if you die tomorrow Well, I’ve got me a full tank of gas I arrive at my destination with you stuck there in my heart and hopefully beside me but still, if we are apart Glorious you are to me skies sparkle in your eyes no fire of hell could consume you even though you’ve tried Give in and be discovered with your life upon your sleeve All the things will stay there covered until you give them leave and if you die tomorrow and all things change and pass Please know how much I love you and don’t forget I’ve got a full tank of gas (This poem eventually became the lyrics for an Ace of Spades song of the same name)

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  I told you I was crazy and you laughed it off We laid together in blue water sheets and stared relentlessly into each other’s blue chameleon eyes. Our pupils held the conversation. Where did all this doubt come from? What are we doing wrong? Why don’t our eyes talk anymore? It seems so useless and maybe But, I don’t give up that easily. I have to hurt a lot before that happens. I should just let you pass me by. The true definition of insanity is doing  the same thing and expecting different results. See, I told you I was crazy.  Now do you believe me? However, I am hopeful  lunatic. Can you join me in the asylum or accept me in straight jacket?  

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All I Want

  All I want is to love you No expectations, no tomorrow No red door blocking our exit To hold you & kiss your cheek with no aching worries No heavy burdens in plans Nothing to stop us from being together even when we are apart and nothing to keep us together except love, courage and respect No need for lifeboats – just a ship sailing fair on the open, fresh sea.

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