
Fuck PMS

  I reserve the right to occasionally get upset for ridiculous and unreasonable reasons. I know their nature – and don’t think I don’t realize how awful it is to behave this way – I simply cannot control the tides. The waves of the moon wash through me unleashing a useless storm but, then when the calm has settled, I am destroyed with broken dignity and a wet face. I think I’m asking for compassion?

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Solo Conversations

I keep having all these strange conversations with you, as if you really exist and were right here with me and I can blah, blah, blah, in your ear all day and you LOVE IT! But who ARE you? The ghost of the mysterious  future, or the wise old trickster of the past? You haunt my dreams of loves lost and passions put out. You are that demonic force of old patterns put two new uses. How do I find a way through the ups and downs of the same old, same old? Is there a way to break free from this chain of doubt and transform into just the girl you’re looking for? But, who the hell are you? That fatal one; that amalgamation of all of them. Why the hell do I always like you? And, why the hell am I still having this conversation with you, even? … Read Full PoemSolo Conversations

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Anticipation is a Killer

Anticipation is a killer crouched in the trees waiting to strike Patience would be great If she didn’t take so damn long to get ready Yearning bought my ticket to the carnival But the rides were all of the rickety, much too scary sort Foresight showed me one red flag after another but in the light they shone a rosy pink Prudence promised not to be there and she didn’t show up. Temperance left to find her at one of her old haunts, leaving us to do our dirty work. Fate surrendered and Luck said, “Fuck it!” as they drove off together in the ’67 Fury, forgetting they had anything else to do that day. October 9, 2012

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Letter to a Boy

September 18, 2012 I think of you from time to time and my heart alights with joy. You make your own way, and it’s brilliant and bold. Our paths are moving parallel; moving forward, each in our own way, on our own planes. Where we’ll be when they cross again is unknown. Still, when I think about you, I remember that love transcends oceans of time and space. It seems that somehow in our culture, there is an emphasis on turning our feelings for people with whom we’ve experienced circumstances of heart-hurt toward the negative – as if this will somehow make our hearts hurt less. I will not succumb to this notion, because I have no boundary for the way I love you. You are not “boyfriend material” for me right now. I don’t even know what that means, except that it’s silly. We get so bogged down by crazy labels and … Read Full PoemLetter to a Boy

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I’m Ready

I’m ready. Let’s begin, then maybe we’ll see what can happen. Let’s take a look At the paths from which we came and rejoice at the beauty before us. How magnificent is this life? When it seems so dark and slimy. When it seems like the light has retreated against the darkness. What a shiny, majestic thing to be alive in this moment Right now! It’s never too late, you know. Scar tissue is stronger, if a little bit uglier, than normal, healthy flesh. It’s never too late to hold that pounding heart before the King of Love and proclaim your worship of Him. Sing your song, but remember that the tune changes. The melody flows with melancholy and heartache, but soon enough the tempo increases and you can dance like Gene Kelley to the movement of your life with Jazz hands and jubilation. April 12, 2011

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A Chemical Reaction

A chemical reaction A chain of events A laugh A pause A look away Stop. Look around. Okay, here we go again. A set of possibilities A story unfolds Amino-tri-phosphate explosion A heartbeat A promise A wish and a dream A sparkle with envy …somewhere in between. April 7, 2011

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It’s strange not to feel heartache Just a small dismantling of the ego A little power struggle. It’s okay. I made him feel sufficiently bad. Perhaps he’ll think twice before Treating a woman like that again. He’s a good guy anyway I’m not going for the aorta here, Just defining who I am and Demanding integrity. Seems like it shouldn’t be such a tall order… On paper. Still, even in myself it’s difficult to Determine my intentions REJECCTED! It’s okay I spoke my truth. I stood upright. I was honest (brutally maybe), AND compassionate. We’re both just people. He’s learning. I’m learning. I think we’re both ahead of the curve. I’m actually pretty impressed with myself. How did I end up being so great anyway? Maybe that’s why being rejected hurts so much… January 24, 2011

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Mantle Piece

They must be so jealous of you with your perfect sideways grin your sweet, joyous demeanor and your well-kept composure They must each want some little piece of you to hold keep you in their hearts and their pockets to bring them joy ever after But you are much too creative and elusive for that No one can catch you or trap you You are free. Free to be yourself forever after ‘til death do you part And what then? Where will you go? Who will you be? A mind molded from dust? A vision to behold Crown you with my lust and speak of you no more. You’ll stay in my heart, a longtime idea never brought to a moment – the thought of an expression never noticed. A gesture in the dark. December 5, 2010

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The Ice Machine Collection

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#000000″ expand_text=”Collection No. 1″ collapse_text=”Hide” ] Cry and see me take those whispers like a moment say your shadows ache beneath a blood chain of delicate skin and frantic lust Who am I not to soar and shine? Would the goddess stop and rust? Could she rock me in my red moon bed dress and smear her girl in sweat and rose petal honey? Sing of love as some delirious storm gone mad though a ship plays still and languid over the sad water In your void beauty worships me a diamond blue vision of sun and light above you ripping open the sky Language only essential in death cool spring rain chants mortality urging my garden to sleep. March 26, 2010 [/bg_collapse] [bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#000000″ expand_text=”Collection No. 2″ collapse_text=”Hide” ] There is a grace in this experiment A psychedelic masterpiece A sculpture with music A film composed … Read Full PoemThe Ice Machine Collection

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I Will Not Stoop

I will not stoop. I will not slumber My vigilance will reveal itself in your dreams. My dreams, too My reality. Ever-present, forever more It is nothing, it is everything. We are here together Molecules floating, dancing An eternally chaotic and singularly choreographed rhythm. Protons, neutrons electrons! Electrifying us! We are here alone experiencing this strange life through the chimera veil lenses of our Own individuality And so, I bring in the light. I find it deep within myself, within you. I let it shine out to greet  you and brighten your day, and mine. I do not lower myself. I find I can stand upright. I see the light within you It is up to you to bring it forth. May 17, 2010

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